Billie Marten Reflects On Love And Life Experiences Ahead Of ‘Drop Cherries’ Release

Samantha Colleran, April 2023

Billie Marten photographed by Katie Silvester

Isabella Tweddle, better known by her stage name Billie Marten, is a one of a kind talent. Her music has been described as ethereal grunge with whimsical lyrics. The natural world surrounding her acts as a muse, and her newest album Drop Cherries which is out as of today, is a sonic journey that unites listeners through cathartic joy. Ahead of the release, Billie sat to speak with º1824 to talk about the overarching themes of Drop Cherries, the importance of being emotionally vulnerable in her music, and how she hopes listeners connect with her art. 

The general theme of Drop Cherries is love; the purity of loving someone or something, and how Billie has seen and felt this love in her own experiences. She’s a naturally confessional person and the best way for her to get her inner diary out is by speaking through music. She took more control of the themes on the album by working with close collaborators to perfect the sound and found ways to make her experiences come to life in a way that felt universally relatable. The album cover photographed by Katie Silvester reflects the idea of not fighting over the sound and shows the power of silence, something Billie has come to learn during the creation of Drop Cherries

To get a more authentic and raw feel, the album was recorded on tape. Many of the final versions of the tracks on the album are among the first few takes which capture the magic of the recording sessions. Billie explained how easy it is to get lost in making everything technically perfect by layering countless instruments and vocal tracks which makes it feel less static and not like a true musical performance. She told conference attendees that music should always be recorded on tape, and that it’s a technique she’ll use again for future releases. 

Billie Marten photographed by Katie Silvester

While creating this album, Billie has learned to enjoy the small things that make life worth living. She’s also been working on her stubbornness and has become more welcoming to people’s advice, which isn’t easy (I’m also a very stubborn person, so I relate to this a lot). Although in an ever changing industry it may be hard to pinpoint where your voice fits into the fold, Billie’s rises among the rest in a subtle yet powerful way. 

Listening to Drop Cherries from top to bottom as a collective body of work is what Billie hopes people will do once the album is out in the world, but if she were to pinpoint one track that encapsulates the message of the entire album she directs listeners to ‘Arrow’. ‘Arrow’ talks about making it 90% of the way to a goal and falling at the final hurdle, a message people all around the world can relate to and have experienced at one point in their lives. 

With bouts of darkness that lead to glimmers of hope and light, Drop Cherries is guaranteed to become an instant classic that celebrates the ups and downs of love and life. Drop Cherries is now available to stream on all of your favorite streaming platforms! Keep up with Billie on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to stay up to date on all things Drop Cherries as well as future releases.

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