From American Idol To Full Time Artist: Michael J. Woodard’s Journey To Releasing His Debut EP

Samantha Colleran, February 2024

MJW1 EP cover, photographed by Mark “Peaced” Pangilinan

Michael J. Woodard is a singer, songwriter, and producer from Philadelphia. Becoming a singer has been a goal of his since he was a kid, and when he became a top five finalist on American Idol Season 16, his dreams came true. Forming a connection with judge Katy Perry led Woodard to sign to her label, Unsub Records. He’s careful with his craft, each day he went into the studio he knew the end goal would be releasing an EP, and on January 11 his highly anticipated project MJW1 was released into the world. The EP is a glimpse into complex emotions and how Michael dealt with the experiences that shaped the project. 

Being born and raised in Philly was a key factor in Michael’s decision to pursue music. Growing up, Michael went to church, which helped him develop an ear for music; he learned to harmonize and pour emotion into music. In 2009, he performed The National Anthem for the Philadelphia Freedoms at the King of Prussia as well as the last men’s quarterfinal match at the U.S. Open. He returned to the U.S. Open in 2010, and a few months later would sing at a rally for Barack Obama. Some of Michael’s musical influences include The Beatles, Coldplay, Tina Turner, and early 2010s pop with albums such as Loud by Rihanna, Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, and I Am… Sasha Fierce by Beyoncé. 

Michael J. Woodard, photographed by Mark “Peaced” Pangilinan

Although Michael is no stranger to the stage, the American Idol stage experience is one you can’t explain. Being a finalist allowed Michael to get a true understanding of what the industry is like. Contestants are not only performing in front of millions, they are also getting a glimpse into the world of touring and what it takes to thrive in an industry as tough as the music industry. Early days and long nights, dealing with varying personalities, and working through anxiety are just some of the many things Michael learned through his time as a contestant. By the end of this simulation-like experience, artists are left to answer the question of whether this is something they truly feel they want to do with their lives or not. For Michael, the answer was a hard yes. 

Michael explains that he and Katy Perry connected through similarities in their upbringings as well as their musical tastes, which solidified for Michael that being on American Idol was destined to happen. Katy nurtured his talent and art, keeping an eye out for him and guiding him through challenges. Although many other labels approached Michael, he felt most at home with Katy since she never forced him to be someone he isn’t and allowed him to experiment with his sound. 

Michael J. Woodard, photographed by Mark “Peaced” Pangilinan

For new listeners of Michael, he wants them to know just how much care goes into each piece of work released. Passion drives him to create, knowing that fans resonate with that passion makes him proud to continue putting music out. “When you listen to a song by me, you’re listening to a song from my heart,” he says. “Hems” was a song Michael was excited for people to hear; it’s abstract instrumentally and one of the most vulnerable tracks lyrically he’s released. “Anti You” has Afrobeat instrumentals, but the lyrics about post heartbreak feelings juxtapose the upbeat nature of the track. 

Having MJW1 in the world was a relief for Michael. So much work went into putting it together, he’s been working on it since signing onto Unsub. The EP’s purpose is to bring listeners on a journey, showing the evolution of where he was at the start of the project to where he ended up at the end of the project, and where he wants to go in the future. Everyday, Michael would go into the studio with the intention of writing for a project, and day by day he would narrow down the tracklist until he felt he had something he felt proud of releasing. Woodard says he had written over 200 songs that were considered for release, but the in the moment process of reworking the tracklist allowed for the final result to be a true glimpse into the growth he’d gone through as the EP came to life. 

The biggest piece of advice Michael would share with aspiring music industry professionals is to never let anything get in the way of your love of the music. Staying true to yourself and never letting money or other accolades make you stray away from the goal of having your music connect with as many people as possible. He also emphasizes the importance of remaining grounded and reading your contracts thoroughly so you’re aware of what you’re signing onto. 

Michael J. Woodard, photographed by Mark “Peaced” Pangilinan

For the future, Michael hopes to have accomplished some of his biggest dreams; sold out stadium tours, a Super Bowl performance, billions of records sold and streamed, all while remaining true to himself the entire time. For now, you can stream Michael’s music on Spotify, Apple Music, or any other streaming service you may use! Be sure to follow Michael on Instagram to stay up to date on future releases.

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