HD4President Talks About His Album ‘To Da Max’ In An º1824 Press Conference

Samantha Colleran, December 2021

HD4President, courtesy of Universal Music Group

If you’re on Tik Tok you’ve certainly heard the song “Touch Down 2 Cause Hell (Bow Bow Bow)”; major names in music such as Lizzo and City Girls hopped onto the popular trend and the song took over everyone’s For You Pages. The man behind the song is HD4President, a Baton Rouge born superstar making waves in the world of music. On his most recent release To Da Max, HD4President opens up about the trauma he’s faced in life, but he does so in a positive and encouraging way. Speaking to º1824 during a recent press conference, HD showed a completely honest side of himself and spoke humbly about his upbringing, as well as how he rose to fame over the course of his life. 

Drawing inspirations from Jay Z, Juvenile, Lil Wayne and his group Squad Up, Ed Sheeran, Mary J. Blige, and even The Temptations, HD4President has been rapping since he was a child and hasn’t stopped. He recalled a time where he and his cousin would rap to some of their favorite songs and record them on a tape recorder, but HD would re-record his cousin’s parts. He wrote his first short rap before the age of ten, and has been in the music ever since then. He had been offered a number of record deals, but the timing and the situations never made sense. Now, HD is signed to Motown, something he expresses extreme gratitude for. He had 12 labels calling him up in a day after the success of “Bow Bow Bow”, but felt that Motown respected him as a core member of their label family and not just another breakout artist. As a fan of The Temptations, it felt like a surreal moment getting to sign to a label that helped one of his favorite groups rise to stardom. 

Speaking about the success of “Touch Down 2 Cause Hell”, HD said that he had had a couple of other viral Tik Tok sounds so he wanted to make something he thought would do well, but he never expected it to gain so much traction. HD4President has been hustling from a very young age, and to have this type of success after working so hard to have people see his musical vision and become a fan of his work was a proud moment for the rapper. 

As someone who has been creating music since he was young, HD faced a lot of negative comments growing up. The biggest lesson he learned through all the hardships is to never let anyone dim your vision. Many people in his life, including family members, told him that he was too old and that he should just give up on his rap career. HD blocked out all the negative talk and kept going; he bought his own equipment and worked hard to get to where he is today by staying true to his artistry and focusing on his goals. Everything HD records is at home in his own studio; a self proclaimed homebody, HD said that some of his best ideas come to him fresh in the morning, and he has the luxury of waking up and walking straight to the studio to let out all of his ideas. 

A lover of all types of music, HD4President talked about his future in the world of music. He’s not a one hit wonder, he’s here to stay and hopes to become the next big name like one of his idols, Jay Z. Growing up, HD watched a lot of people in similar situations as him rise to the top, and they never offered him help despite working together while they were all still small. HD wants to be a sounding board for up and coming artists and use his high position in the industry to help them win. Although HD does rap, he doesn’t want to be tied down to one genre; he hopes to eventually make a transition to other sorts of music like pop, and he hopes to collaborate with some of the big names in music like Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande. 

If you haven’t heard “Touch Down 2 Cause Hell (Bow Bow Bow)”, you can listen to it below! If you’re an HD fan and listened to To Da Max, feel free to drop your favorite track in the comments. You can keep up to date with HD4President on Twitter, Tik Tok, and Instagram, and you can stream his music on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other preferred streaming platform!


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