“Life’s So Fun” With MUNA On Tour
Samantha Colleran, May 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023. I find myself in the same spot I was exactly a week ago to see Lizzy McAlpine at Terminal 5. Today, the story is a little different. There’s a chill in the air but a little more sunshine. MUNA, the queer indie pop band that has been a silent force in the industry for years, are set to take the stage a little after 9pm. Consisting of lead singer Katie Gavin (she/her), guitarist Josette Maskin (they/she), and multi instrumentalist/vocalist/producer Naomi McPherson (they/them), the band took their Life’s So Fun Tour to NYC for two nights, and as a longtime fan of MUNA I had to be there for at least one of those nights. Getting tickets for the first night was impossible, so when it was announced there was a second night I managed to snag two tickets for my best friend Jonathan and I.
The night began with opener Lou Roy, who released her first album Pure Chaos last year. She and her band had a solid chunk of time on stage (nearing 40 minutes), which gave the crowd a proper chance to get acquainted with her voice. She and her backing band are super talented individuals who created absolute magic on stage. Lou’s voice is subdued at first, but midway through the second track of her set she began to warm up and her vocals truly began to shine. Set highlights include unreleased track ‘Mindfreak’, a track Lou made with her previous band Huxlee titled ‘If I Don’t Get On T.V.’, and set closer ‘Uppercut’.
MUNA took the stage a little after 9:00 and played until about 10:45. The setlist bounced effortlessly from earlier tracks to newer releases, including their recent single ‘One That Got Away’. I had the privilege of seeing MUNA at Forest Hills Stadium last year when they opened for Phoebe Bridgers’ Reunion Tour, but they were limited to a certain number of songs, most of which were newer. As someone who fell in love with their debut album and still considers it the best MUNA album, getting to hear songs such as ‘So Special’ and ‘Winterbreak’ live felt so surreal, it made me fall in love with the album and the performed tracks all over again.
You’ll find that a typical MUNA set is put together expertly to keep you on your toes. High energy tracks open the set, getting the crowd amped up with songs such as ‘Number One Fan’ and ‘What I Want’ set the tone perfectly for the night. Other tracks come to life in a new light; ‘Winterbreak’ is stripped back, while ‘Runner’s High’ has a more prominent emphasis on the instruments during the chorus. It also made me appreciate the song more, on the album ‘Runner’s High’ would rank somewhere in the middle of my favorite and least favorite tracks, post concert I can confidently say it was one of my favorite songs of the night.
Fan favorites that will for sure hold their spot on the setlist for future MUNA tours include Saves The World track ‘Taken’, which is one of my favorites in the band’s entire discography. ‘I Know A Place’ and the 2022 release ‘Silk Chiffon’ featuring Phoebe Bridgers serve as encore songs that end the show the same way it starts, on an incredibly high note that keeps the crowd moving. As a special surprise to close out their NYC visit, MUNA invited none other than Lorde out on stage to take over Phoebe’s verse, which caused the crowd to go absolutely wild. It was the perfect way to end a perfect set.
Stage presence is also very important to note. Despite the fact they have general areas they stick to (Naomi on the far left, Katie in the middle, Jo on the right), all three members take advantage of the space and interact with every area of the crowd. Katie has a guitar for a select number of tracks on the setlist, so she takes advantage of being hands free by moving around to interact with everyone on the barricade as well as with Naomi and Jo. Naomi sticks to their side a little more due to the fact they play synth and guitar through the set, so it was nice when they popped over to my side for a brief moment. Jo is the one to get the crowd hyped up; they run around and encourage people to put their hands up and jump around as Katie dazzles the crowd with her voice. It’s always so much fun seeing musicians be so receptive to positive energy, and the loving, safe energy flowing through the crowd was noted multiple times by all three members of the band.
Going to a MUNA show feels like a cathartic release of countless emotions. You can dance to the saddest lyrics you’ve ever heard (‘Crying On The Bathroom Floor’, ‘Around U’), your eyes fill with tears during the lighter songs as an overwhelming sense of joy washes over you (‘Anything But Me’, ‘Pink Light’). It’s recognizing and celebrating your growth in life, it’s nurturing sadness and learning to be gentler with your feelings in order to create your own happiness (‘Kind Of Girl’ which the band invited Lou on stage to sing with them, ‘Loose Garment’). Whether you’re a first time listener or a long time fan, you’ll feel the outpouring of love in the MUNA atmosphere, and you’ll be sad to leave it behind you as you find your way out of the venue into the chilly night air.
I’d like to say thank you to Lou Roy for being such a wonderful opener, the night was off to an incredible start because of Lou’s set. The biggest thank you to MUNA for pouring so much love, attention, and energy into this show. It was a truly special night and I’m proud to have been a small part of it. NYC will have you back anytime you’re up for it!
To listen to the full setlist to become familiar with the inner workings of MUNA’s sound and style as well Lou’s music, you can check out my 2023 concert playlist which will be updated with the setlists for every show I attend this year!