Luke Mock Revisits Debut Single With An Out Of This ‘Universe’ Collaboration Featuring Xavier Sharp

Samantha Colleran, April 2023

‘Universe (Funk Remix)’ single cover, designed by Xavier Sharp

In the midst of the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown, I had the pleasure of interviewing Luke Mock to discuss his debut single, ‘Universe’. With a few more singles under his belt, experiences with production, and a clear focus for his musical direction, Luke has revisited ‘Universe’ in a way that brings new life to the tune which has become a staple in his discography and is beloved by fans. Teaming up with producer and singer Xavier Sharp, the duo worked to create the ‘Universe (Funk Remix)’ that highlights Mock’s maturity as an artist as well as Sharp’s talent as a producer. 

Luke and Xavier met when opening for Ryan Quinn (The Voice) at a SUNY Oneonta Music Industry event in 2020 right before the COVID shutdown. They grew close as friends and have helped each other on projects throughout the years, but ‘Universe’ truly shows listeners what the duo are capable of. The collaboration started off with Xavier adding drums over the original bass line of ‘Universe’ as a joke, but the more he played around with the track the more excited he got about working on it. The idea was presented to Luke, who was immediately on board to work with his friend and previous musical collaborator. Both express their interest in “funk flavored pop”, and with shared love for artists like Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris, the new spin on ‘Universe’ was bound to be incredible. 

Luke Mock and Xavier Sharp photographed by Alexis Ochi

Sharp views production as completing a puzzle with a lot of little pieces and moving parts that come together to create one big picture. Working specifically on ‘Universe (Funk Remix)’ allowed him to approach a pop production style he had been waiting to work on. Having the chance to work on an already incredible song with one of his best friends made the experience even more enjoyable. 

Despite coming from different musical backgrounds, Luke and Xavier have similar approaches to creating their art. While Luke starts from a songwriting perspective and Xavier has a knack for production, the pair share a common desire to create quality songs and learn from one another through the process. They have a very yin-yang energy; Luke is focused on the nitty gritty details and has a specific focus on what he wants to achieve, while Xavier has a more chill approach to creating where he works on the big picture and fine tunes the little details once the major parts are in motion. They balance each other out and are open to learning from each other, which is more than likely the reason this remix works so well. Luke shares that Xavier taught him how to not get caught up in getting every single detail perfect right off the bat, and Xavier took note of Luke’s strong organizational skills that allowed him to find more freedom in producing. 

When listening to ‘Universe (Funk Remix)’, you’ll immediately feel the urge to get up and dance your worries away. For Mock, the remix embodies what he’s learned to love about pop music. Having the chance to re-record the tracks with Sharp and add more layers brought a new feeling to the track. Although there are still the acoustic elements that ring true to Luke’s singer-songwriter style, the dance elements courtesy of Xavier’s impeccable production skills bring what he describes as an “intensity” to the song that put a greater emphasis on the original lyrics. They each have a solid understanding of what makes a good pop song, which is showcased in their solo work and even more so in ‘Universe (Funk Remix)’. It’s impossible to turn off, and at this point in time I don’t see any reason why you would want to stop listening to it. 

Xavier Sharp and Luck Mock photographed by Alexis Ochi

So, what does the future hold for Luke Mock and Xavier Sharp? The two excitedly share that they’re always willing to work together, whether it’s to help each other with their solo work or for collaborative work. “The universe is ever expanding,” Sharp shares in regards to future musical endeavors with Mock, and if the two continue on the path they’re following now there isn’t a doubt in my mind they’ll become even more successful. 

To keep up with Luke, you can follow him on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. To keep up with Xavier, you can follow him on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. ‘Universe (Funk Remix)’ is available to stream on Spotify, Apple Music, or any other service you may use. Congratulations to Luke and Xavier on the release, it’s out of this universe and I hope you feel the love from everyone supporting and streaming!


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