Michael Martinez Shares An Important Message About Living Authentically To Wrap Up Pride Month

Samantha Colleran, June 2022

“freedom within” cover art, courtesy of Michael Martinez, edited by Max Embers

Michael Martinez is a San Francisco born and raised singer-songwriter and Berklee graduate with a background in acting. He got his start in theater at the age of three and grew fascinated with how each song in musicals pushed a story forward, which drew him to major theatrical names in music such as Queen, Celine Dion, and Sara Bareilles. Other inspirations include SZA, Tom Misch, NAO, and Emily King, who Michael says inspired his stream of consciousness songwriting style. 

To celebrate Pride Month, Michael recently released a powerful ballad titled “freedom within”, which has been in the works for a very long time. It was one of the first songs he wrote nine years ago, but at the time it felt too heavy and honest to put out in the world fully. It was written at a time where Michael was out to all of his friends and was taking his journey a step further by coming out to his dad. “The irony is that he definitely knew I was gay. He told me shortly after I finished the song that he knew. And he still loved me,” Michael said about the song. Michael’s mother passed away when he was 14, so the fear of losing his father by coming out weighed heavy on his mind. Having his father’s acceptance eased his nerves, and it’s a heartwarming moment hearing his father’s voice ring through your ears at the start of the track. 

“freedom within” was put on the backburner for some time due to its heavy lyrical content, but when the pandemic hit and Michael was forced to put a pause on professional gigging, it put things into perspective for the singer-songwriter. After auditioning for a professional theater production and getting cast last fall, Michael was reminded of why he loves music so much; it’s not about him, it’s about what he can give as a songwriter to an audience eager to listen to his music and his message. Realizing that putting this song out could help people live their most authentic lives and become the best version of themselves gave Michael the final push he needed to share the song with the world. 

The softer instrumentation allows the true message of the song to shine through, it also lets Michael’s voice stand out as his fears tumble out in a beautiful string of lyrics. Michael begins singing after his father’s voicemail, immediately kicking off with a hard hitting image of a young Michael struggling to express himself, “A secret on my breath/ A weight within my chest/ I do my very best to act the act/ Then make a pact to hide myself”. We hear the pain in Michael’s voice become more hopeful as he sings the lyrics, “Maybe one morning I’ll rise/ I’ll learn to begin/ And maybe I’ll wake up and realize I’m not a sin/ And maybe one day I’ll find freedom within”. It’s an expertly crafted statement for LGBTQ+ people, a soft reminder that coming out is a process that takes time, but there will come a day you find freedom within yourself to live your life how you deserve to: authentically. 

Coming out is something that many LGBTQ+ people avoid in fear of losing loved ones in their lives, but this song is a reminder that you are never alone and you’ll find the people who love you for who you are. You’ll also learn to love yourself, as Michael did. A lot of the sadness, pain, and anxiety surrounding coming out was something Michael was putting on himself, but writing this song and sharing it with a select group of people allowed those anxieties to subside and helped him be more open about his sexuality and inner fears he faced, which has in turn helped countless others move forward in their coming out journeys. It’s a beautiful, powerful song perfect for Pride Month, and for any month. 

If you’re in the SoCal and Bay Area in California, be sure to check Michael’s show schedule and catch him performing “freedom within” live, as well as other tracks! Be sure to follow Michael on Instagram, Twitter to stay up to date on his future releases, and show him lots of love on streaming services by streaming “freedom within” on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other service you may use! Michael has also been featured as an up and coming artist on SoFar Sounds, which features incredible smaller scale artists performing in unconventional venues, which you can check out below!


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