Piper Page Talks Situationships And Ex-Almost-Lovers On Her Newest Single “Breadcrumbs”

Samantha Colleran, May 2022

“Breadcrumbs” single cover shot by Ashly Nicole

Around this time last year, I wrote about an incredibly talented rising New York artist, Piper Page, and her single “Risk”. With its jazz and R&B influences, “Risk” became an instant hit among listeners, and Piper is guaranteed to make even more waves with her newest single off of her debut album Based On True Events set to release this summer, “Breadcrumbs”. 

Documenting a relationship where neither party wants to commit to one another, the two are left to resort to leaving breadcrumbs of attention for one another. Speaking about the track, Piper said “I wanted the relationship to be mutual and conversational because breadcrumbing isn’t always one-sided. We’re saying to each other, ‘Hey, I know it’s been three months, but do you wanna fill the space in my head for tonight?’ It’s toxic, and probably bad for both of you, but it’s honest.”

Piper Page photographed by Ashly Nicole

Piper’s vocals on this track emulate those of Mabel’s early Bedroom EP with its overall R&B feel. It’s smooth in its delivery, and the backing instrumentals are softer throughout the track to allow Piper’s beautiful vocals to shine. You can hear Piper’s internal battle with the situationship throughout the track; they’re each other’s “just in case” lovers, but there’s something that keeps them coming back together despite the fact they’re both “on the sidelines” in each other’s books. “He’s leaving breadcrumbs/ Just in case I come back to him/ And I do everytime” Piper sings on the chorus. Although the two end up hurt by the end of their interactions since they don’t know what they truly want, they can’t help but go back to each other, “Maybe it’s not healthy, but maybe that’s why I’m so into it”. This track will definitely hit home for a number of people who have been in the same position of back and forth games with someone who can’t commit, and I know it’ll be comforting for them to hear a woman as confident as Piper laying out her emotions for the world to hear and relate to.

You can listen to “Breadcrumbs” on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other streaming service you may use! Make sure you’re following Piper on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to stay up to date on her debut album release date as well as any upcoming shows, and as always feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

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