September 20, 2020: A Brief Update On Posting

Samantha Colleran, September 2020

Hi everyone. If you’re a reader of this blog who doesn’t know me personally, you’re probably wondering why there’s been a lack of content lately. Well, here’s a brief rundown of events.

Sunday (August 30), it was reported that my college, SUNY Oneonta, had over 100 cases of COVID which caused a campus wide lockdown and immediate quarantine. I was logging into an online Zoom class on Thursday (September 3), just a few days into quarantine, when everyone received an email stating that on campus residents were being sent home for the remainder of the semester. Just barely two weeks of being back on the campus I’ve grown to love, getting into the groove of online classes, finishing setting up my common space with my friends, finally feeling that sense of independence I had been longing for since March, everything was taken away instantly. I had to pack up my life for the third time this year, in less than two days, and move back home on September 5. I haven’t had a normal semester since I started college; my first semester I got really sick and was out for the count for over a month, second semester was cut short due to COVID, and now I don’t have a third semester because people thought throwing rush week parties during a global pandemic was a great idea. 

It sucks.

Everyone keeps telling me how strong and tough I am. Quite frankly, I’m too tired to be tough right now. I’m incredibly stressed, I’ve cried so much over things that I have no control over, I’ve been trying to navigate college online and at home. I’ve been trying to adjust to yet another ‘new normal’ and in all honesty, I’ve never felt more powerless. 

It sucks.

I’m not feeling a whole lot of inspiration at the moment, which is something I hate to admit because writing for this blog brings me so much joy and it’s something I love doing. I want to apologize if my posts aren’t consistent during the next couple of weeks, I don’t know if I can articulate my feelings towards music with the normal passion and love I pour into each post at this moment in time. Music has been the only thing keeping me sane during all of this chaos, but the mental and emotional toll moving home has taken on me is a lot to handle and writing about music, as heartbreaking as it is to admit, doesn’t feel like a top priority currently. 

As someone whose life completely shifted due to COVID for what feels like the thousandth time, I’m begging you all to please take this pandemic seriously because it’s still very much a thing. Follow the rules of any space you walk into, be courteous of those around you. Don’t be selfish and do things that could expose you or those you love to COVID, please get over yourself and wear a mask and continue to social distance so I don’t miss out on a fourth semester of college. 

I’ll be back as soon as I can. Thank you for understanding.



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