Sunday Sounds: December 6, 2020, “There’s Always Tomorrow”

Samantha Colleran, December 2020

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer soundtrack cover. Genius

Today’s Sunday Sounds brings a song from one of my favorite Christmas specials, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer! This and the Charlie Brown Christmas specials are the two specials I look forward to the most, and this year is no different! There are so many fantastic little numbers from Rudolph to choose from for this post, they’re all incredibly catchy and are on my Christmas playlist! For the sake of this post, I ultimately went with “There’s Always Tomorrow”, sung by Clarice after the other reindeer made fun of Rudolph’s nose during their flying practice. 

It’s a kind reminder that dreams take time to come to fruition. Listening to this song now makes me think of how I’ve been working on making my dreams of being in the music business come true, and the biggest step I’ve taken in doing so is creating this blog! Through all the ups and downs this year has thrown at me, I’ve still managed to somehow keep this blog going, and that makes me so proud of myself, and it makes me want to continue writing and hopefully one day it’ll help me in my career!

This song is technically a Christmas song because it’s in a Christmas special, but it can be applied to everyday life, which makes it even more enjoyable. The message of not giving up on your dreams is something everyone can listen and relate to! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section on this song, or the Rudolph Christmas special in general, because it’s one of my favorites! What dreams have you been working on accomplishing this year? Only two more Sundays until Christmas everyone!


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